The class FeedTime
is a utility class provided by FeedWordPress which provides flexible and easy parsing of text date/time formats that are commonly used in feeds.
// get the starting time from gd:when on a Google Calendar event
$startTimes = $post->query('/gd:when/@startTime');
if (count($startTimes) > 0) :
// query() always returns an array
foreach ($startTimes as $startTime) :
$t = new FeedTime($time);
$ts = $t->timestamp();
// $ts now contains the Unix-epoch timestamp corresponding to the
// date/time contained in the last <gd:when startTime="..."/>
// attribute...
$prettyDate = date('j F Y', $ts);
class FeedTime {
function FeedTime ($time);
// Constructor function. Accepts a text date/time to be parsed.
function set ($time);
// Setter function. Sets the text date/time to be parsed.
function timestamp ();
// Get the Unix-epoch timestamp corresponding to the text date/time.
function failed ();
// Returns TRUE if we were completely unable to parse the provided text.