**Note.** *As with the previous release, before you download or install, please note that this version of FeedWordPress **requires WordPress 3** or higher to operate correctly. Do not install the upgrade unless or until you have made the upgrade to WP3.*
2010.0905 is now available for download.(http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/feedwordpress.2010.0905.zip)
I’ve pushed out this release quickly because it contains fixes to an important issue that y’all helped me discover in early user reports back about 2010.0903(http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/blogs/radgeek/2010/09/03/feedwordpress-20100903-bug-fixes-interface-improvements-lower-memory-load-b). As I mentioned in the release notes, the new release of FeedWordPress has some extensive internal changes to allow for a great deal more flexibility in how it handles Categories and Tags (up to and including support for custom taxonomies provided by plugins). Unfortunately, the changes introduced a bug, due to the fact that the new method used to insert Categories and Tags in WordPress 3 screens the terms to be inserted by the current logged-in user’s capabilities. Which is fine for normal operations within the WordPress administrative interface; but since automatic updates and updates from FeedWordPress cron jobs are typically carried out *without* any user logged in whose credentials could be checked, this meant that several users noticed posts being inserted with only the category Uncategorized, and with no Tags. Which presents a problem.
Fortunately, the problem has been fixed in today’s quick upgrade:
Version 2010.0903 switched over to a new way of assigning categories and
tags as part of its support for handling custom taxonomies.
Unfortunately, the method that it uses is subjected to some checks of
the current user’s capabilities, which creates problems for posts that
are being inserted into the WordPress database when there *is* no
current user logged in (as, for example, when an update is being carried
out from a cron job or automatic update). The result was that posts
from cron jobs and automatic updates ended up with no Categories and no
Tags being assigned. This bug has now been fixed: in 2010.0905, Tags and
Categories should be correctly assigned to all posts, regardless of
whether they were added from manual updates, cron jobs, or automatic
All you need to do to apply the fix is download the newest release and drop it into place in your WordPress plugins directory. As always, if you have any issues with the release, or any questions I can help answer, or if there is anything that you would like to see included in a future release, please use the comments form or me a line(http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/contact) to let me know about it. If you have an issue to report, please be sure to tell me what version of FeedWordPress you’re using, what version of WordPress you’re using it with, which web browser you are using to view the FeedWordPress user interface, and try to tell me, as clearly as possible, (1) what you were trying to do, (2) what the circumstances were, (3) what you expected to see, and (4) what you ended up seeing instead.
and enjoy!(http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/feedwordpress.2010.0905.zip).
I use feedwordpress to populate categories of my site from other blogs. Often the posts brought into my site have comments on the original post. Anyway to include those comments in the feed feedwordpress gets?
Reported it here:
Try to get twitterfeeds but strange enough it don’t work. I can add the feeds but it doesnt generate postings.
Hey there, that’s a really cool plugin you got but still I don’t understand something:
1 – I added some feeds rrs 2.0, 0.9,1.0 atom etc
2 – I left the plugin as it was default settings 60 mins update and bla bla bla mne mne mne
3- Some feeds are working great takes images(full post)- theme tweak –
but some are not updating at all:
4 – Does’t update the feed after 60 mins – default settings (some feeds i got they update 5 mins – feed default setting – news portals) on my site there isn’t no effect 0 new posts 0 new updates(but the feed it’s updated) any solutions on this one? or any explanation? cache, rss not compatible, am I missing something etc? or am I completely retarded?
When I tried to put the feed of this: http://www.bondia.org/pau
I received this problem:
“FeedWordPress encountered the following error when trying to retrieve this feed:
XML error: > required at line 29, column 38
If you think this is a temporary problem, you can still force FeedWordPress to add the subscription. FeedWordPress will not be able to find any syndicated posts until this problem is resolved.”
But this is new and I use the last 3.0.1 wordpress version.
What can I do?
Is there anyway to set a default category or author for each feed in an OPML file? Also do you have any sample OPML files?
Thanks! FWP rocks!
I’d have to know a bit more about the specifics of your situation to say for sure, but typically if you see a mix of full-text and excerpted stories, the most likely cause is that some of the feeds you are syndicating provide the full text to feed consumers like FeedWordPress, and others only provide excerpts of the story. (The latter is especially common for commercial sources like newspapers and magazines.) FWP can only syndicate as much data as it is given, and if a feed producer provides only an excerpt of the story, there isn’t any easy way for FWP to get the full text.
Hope this helps explain.
I have had this happen on 3 separate occasions. Feeds seem to be un-subscribing them selves for some reason… It happens on very active feeds, ie alot of posts.
The only error I see is XML error line 60 column 15.
I can not re-subscribe the feeds, keeps giving me the above error.
Also tried clearing the cache, same error above.
I have to delete the feeds completely, then re-add them and the error goes away and feed works again.
Thanks for the great plugin. Awesome work!
There are several bugs.
1) Duplicate posts almost at random which use the same permalink on the local site.
2) Permalinks often contain invalid encoded or unenencoded characts in the url eg “, ”, ‘and ′ all of which cause 404 errors. Perhaps stripping non-alphanumerics would help?
3) There are encoding issues. For example, I consantly get titles, content, etc and like this
7 year-old “crying, covered in bloodâ€, mother with rashes over “entire body†— Blood tests found elevated HEXANE, Xylene, Octane from nearby gas well
I would do my best to implement these fixes but they would just be overwritten when I update the plugin.
Alexander Higgins
‘Morning Charles, I’d like to share some thoughts on FWP 2010.0905
1) The duplicates issue seems something difficult to eradicate completely, because unfortunately some feeds change so many parameters on a published post (like the guid, the published date, the syndication permalink) that spotting duplicates is quite difficult. I am personally using filters to achieve this and quite satisfied, it seems now I can catch 90% duplicates. What it is unknown is why, under some mysterious circumstances, FWP re-issues new posts from a feed as if they were unpublished… could there be an issue about FWP updating data and being interrupted in a abnormal way, corrupting some vital data? Or could this depend on manual updates overlapping? Like a very long job scheduled every ten minutes, that will overlap with the next schedule?
2) As I have posted before, it would be nice to set the publishing status of new posts allowing per-feed setting instead of using a global setting. Some very reliable feed can be used with a “publish immediately” fashion, while unreliable ones would go in the “draft” direction. I’m using custom fields to achieve this, however I believe many users would benefit from this being done by FWP.
3) Is it safe to access post data through the filters? Will the the filters call order be the same in the future? For example, I use filters to access post data like post_date…. is this usage deprecated?
4) Do you think there will be a short term remedy for those users trapped into shared hosting configurations, where maximum script memory is an issue? My manual updates break when reaching 44MB memory usage…. seems a lot of memory… do you plan to work on this?
5) Why don’t you change your current donationware/support policy? Maybe it could be better to ask users to pay an annual (affordable) fee to get “top/ondemand” updates, giving users immediate replies, giving the feeling the product IS supported. Do you believe you have a consistent users base to allow this?
Hoping in a comment an all this 🙂
Forgot this tip:
6) In the Syndicated sources dashboard appearing on the admin home, you should add a counter showing (following the Active and Inactive sources) the number of sources not issuing posts since a given date; very handy to monitor sources that may have changed feed URI or not working properly.
I propel the import of flow RSS in my site by Feedwordpress and I have one big problem.
Indeed, my site consists of two columns and sometimes I find my right column down that left. I changed some theme and the probleme is still active.
A category of my site is specialized in the photo, is it possible to define a maximal size during the import of flows?
thank you for your help
have a nice day
Some feeds appear correctly in any RSS reader, whil the don’t into feedWordpress.
A closer look to those feeds shows that some of them aren’t validating correctly, when tested in the W3C feed validator.
Is this by design?
Why do some posts pull in the entire story and some only pull in part of a story?
Yes! I get ’ for apostrophes. I need to find the post I did here about it and update it. I couldn’t remember.
Hi, I added a comment but I’m not sure where it went. It’s for this version so I’m hoping I didn’t accidentally put it elsewhere. I’m using 3.0.1 of wordpress. None of the feed tools I am trying to use will go past the [more] tag in the post. I’ve tried a plugin that is supposed to fix this and it still doesn’t work.
Also, the text imports with ’ as apostrophes.
Hey Radgeek
Have you considered how FeedWordPress Funcions with WordPress 3.0 Multisite.
And how it could work if you are syndication items from the same domain. also being able to see users from the whole multisite side is kind of a privacy concern.
As well as creating users on the fly.
Cheers Enej
I am receiving this error now with FeedWordPress:
Most recent (10 mins ago):
WP HTTP Error: name lookup timed out
I have searched this site and haven’t seen any solutions. Could you please share how to fix this issue?
Thank you much.
I’m working a project that uses FeedWordpress and Twitoaster as a sort of automated real-time discussion engine for my site. Essentially, FeedWordPress grabs tweets from a feed of tweets with a certain hashtag and posts them. Twitoaster then pushes the post out to our main twitter feed, and collates replies on my website. Works really well except for one problem – FeedWordPress doesn’t, for some reason, work with Twitoaster’s auto-tweet feature. I used to use WordTwit, which did work, to get around this, but as of this new version of FWP, WordTwit does not work either. I realize that FWP does not post content via the standard process, but is there any way to make it hook into Twitoaster’s auto-tweet engine, or make posting go through some process that triggers it? I’m not averse to programming it as an add-on if someone can point me in the right direction, but I definitely need to have SOME kind of auto-tweet functionality, preferably through Twitoaster because it identifies tweets sent through its plugin faster than other tweets.
Nevermind, was able to solve the problem. For those who want to combine FWP and Twitoaster (which is probably on its way out anyway, but), here’s the simple plugin.
What it does is takes the post offline, dumps in the twitoaster meta data, uses twitoaster’s save and auto-tweet functions to prepare the metadata, and reposts it. Will override the default Twitoaster settings and always automatically post the article, and always in the same format (postname – url), but will only do so for syndicated posts. Has no effect on manually posted content.
To install, pop the following code in a php file and put it in your plugin directory:
Blimy, I have just realized that the latest FWP versions HAS a per-feed post settings!!!!
Thanks so much for your work on this. I’m struggling with the same problem, but I use Kish Twit rather than Twitoaster. Do you know how I would successfully modify your code to use it with Kish Twit?