Customization Work

FeedWordPress is designed to provide a simple, reliable framework for syndicating posts, which can easily be extended through the use of WordPress templates and, optionally custom-written PHP add-ons and filters.

Need additional features that FeedWordPress does not currently provide, or if you need help in customizing FeedWordPress to better meet your project’s needs? I can take on freelance jobs to create custom templates that make use of information collected by FeedWordPress, filters which control how posts come in or how they appear when they do, add-on modules that collect additional data from feeds, enhance or adapt FeedWordPress’s features, or to add new features to the FeedWordPress core that may be important to your project. Interested? Get in touch and we’ll work out a spec, a quote, and an ETA for the project.


If you are interested in setting up a customization job, you can contact me:

  • C. Johnson

    Developer, FeedWordPress
  • Email:
  • Phone: (334) 209-5030 (Mon.-Fri. 10am–4pm, U.S./Central time)

How much will it cost?

When you contact me with your project, we will agree on a price quote and an ETA for the entire project, based on the details of the specification and the amount of time it’s likely to take for the coding and testing.

For your reference, my experience is that most small-scale tweaks and customization projects can be completed within half a day to a full business day, and cost between US $50 and US $175.

Large or complex customizations, or significant new features, may take multiple days to complete, and typically cost between US $200 and US $600, depending on the nature of the project.

Community-funded Customization Projects

See also: Why Don’t You Add…?

If you’re interested in a new feature or a customization that may be of interest to users other than yourself, in addition to taking on projects that are paid for by a single user, you might be interested in setting up fundraisers for community-funded customization projects, where several users pool small gifts in order to make up enough money to cover the costs of a customization project. Community-funded development projects have already led to WordPress compatibility fixes, and extensions such as FWP+: Limit size of posts.

You can check out the community-funded customization projects currently in the fundraising stage at Why Don’t You Add…? If you are interested in setting up a new customization fundraiser, contact me to let me know; I’ll be happy to help you get it set up, and to spread the word to the FeedWordPress community about the proposed project.


Got any questions? Interested in setting up a customization job? Here’s how you can contact me:

  • C. Johnson

    Developer, FeedWordPress
  • Email:
  • Phone: (334) 209-5030 (Mon.-Fri. 10am–4pm, U.S./Central time)

17 thoughts on “Customization Work

  1. Hey Charles,

    we use the plugin for some of our pages on Big City News, but realized that it uses a lot of CPU power. Even on a dedicated server it is rather heavy. We already switched to cron-jobs, but it is still too much ;(
    Do you plan for the next version to include performance improvements or do you have any suggestions on how to make it use less CPU (maybe split the requests to update only a certain amount of feeds per cron-job or so)?

  2. Hi,

    is it possible to use your plugin to feed WordPress page/pages? I’d like to create a separate page, say “news from the world”, and put some feeds on this page. I assume that it could look similar like a box on the sidebar feeded with RSS source (I would configure plugin to write out for instance 10 newest artices from RSS source/sources). I don’t want to get new posts.

  3. Hello!

    Before I go any further with this plugin I wonder if FeedWordpress can do the following

    Publish headlines and excerpts on our frontpage and have the titel for the aggregated post link to the “postpage” and from the postpage have the “readmore” linked to the origin source?



  4. On my site there are 5 or 6 duplicated errors that talk about line 64 in the file feedwordpress/feedwordpressfile.class.php, something about getfile_contents
    In WordPress it says that this file is inactive. How can I make it active again so that my site can find its contents and not have this error anymore?

    • The error is: Warning: filegetcontents(http:) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/35/7955735/html/ustreasuriesbonds/wp-content/plugins/feedwordpress/feedwordpress_file.class.php on line 64

  5. I’m getting a lot of junk pulled into the excerpts from posts that are syndicated. Is there a way to leave the excerpt empty when FeedWordpress imports the feed?

  6. Hello!

    My feedwordpress gone crazy… I think, or I do not know what to do. I setup it to use “Read more” in posts after certain length, and it linked it. I chose that all permalinks and links should go to the source. Now, that is good, but!!!

    There are some posts which have permalink pointed to
    And surprisingly, the Read more points to

    so, to another url.

    And I also wanted to set it up to open links in new tab, read more sites, which wrote:”you have to replace a code segment”. They wrote the segment, but I was not able to find it. Can you help me a little bit, via email? processor at netconvert dot net

    Thank you!

  7. I am also having the syndicationitemh entries problem. I noticed if you split up the feeds (we have about 50 feeds based on about 20 business industries). Needless to say, this is a big problem we are hoping to solve with FWP. Appreciate your assistance and hard work. Good plugin!

  8. no idea what to do about these constantly happening…

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/swarmfee/publichtml/wp-includes/general-template.php:2099) in /home/swarmfee/publichtml/wp-includes/option.php on line 563

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/swarmfee/publichtml/wp-includes/general-template.php:2099) in /home/swarmfee/publichtml/wp-includes/option.php on line 564

  9. I have just installed the plugin and would like to know how I can activate the images that are included in the RSS feed, but they don’t appear to show. Is there any code that I can add to enable this option?

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