How Do I…?


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    Do you have a question that isn’t answered on this page? If so, you can edit this page using the Wiki tools to add your question to the list, and I will try to reply as best I can. Or you can contact me by e-mail, with as detailed a description as possible of what you are trying to do within FeedWordPress, what you expect to happen, and what problems, if any, you’re running into. If what you’re looking for is a feature that does not seem to appear in current releases of FeedWordPress, you might also take a look at the list of common feature requests, at Why Don’t You Add …?

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    105 thoughts on “How Do I…?

    1. How can i stop feedwordpress from creating the custom fields. They are not required for my application and actually stop another plugin from functioning correctly. At the momnent i have to remove them manually.

      • I’m using a function to load a small array with a few posts, not in the main loop:

        function load_news(){
        global $wpdb;

        $querystr = "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts
        WHERE $wpdb->posts.post_type = 'post'
        AND $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish' ";

        $catposts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);
        $count = 0;
        $news = array();
        foreach($catposts as $single)
        $news[$count]["permalink"] = get_permalink($single->ID);
        $news[$count]["title"] = $single->post_title;
        $news[$count]["content"] = $single->post_content;
        $news[$count]["icon"] = get_feed_meta('img');

        return $news ;

        Unfortunately get_feed_meta returns nothing, although having placed the proper value in the feed settings….

    2. With your blogspot blog, just go to the blog site in question (, scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the link “Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)” where Posts (Atom) will be the link. Click that link and copy/paste the url address from that into the Syndication in FeedWordpress.

      As far as self-hosted sites, depending on if you’re using a platform like drupal/wordpress/etc., there’s usually an rss built in, from my experience. It sometimes looks like or Something to that effect.


    3. Hello, i imported posts to my wordpress local installation, its so easy and awesome but i have a problem. The posts i have imported using FeedWordpress doesn’t appear in the general feed of my WordPress local installation. ¿Can you help me please?

      Thanks 😀

    4. I love your plugin.

      I just need one change.

      how can i source the pictures from within a feed from my own server and not from the server of the feed-owner?

    5. I cannot get blogs to show on my feed that aren’t WP blogs, is there any way to add blogs from any program ? having difficulty with both blogspot and self hosted etc.

      thank you for this great plug in

    6. Some how when new posts comes in via feed wordpress and is sent out to twitter via post to twitter or wp to twitter plugins, the links will be the same and to a different post altogether. I am using it on, can anybody help me figure out what is going wrong?

    7. It sounds like PHP encountering a fatal error of some kind on your setup. The best fix will depend on what the error is.

      Could you let me know:

      1. What version of FeedWordPress you are currently using, and what version of WordPress you’re using it with; and

      2. What results you get if you attempt to update the same feed with Debug Mode turned ON (to turn it on, go to Syndication –> Back End).

    8. Hello,

      Thank you for such a great plug-in. It really does the job great. i just had one question/favor to ask. Is there anyway you can add the new facebook like button codes, so that all the feeds that I have syndicated to come in as posts will have a Facebook Like button in the post.

      I would be so appreciative of your help on this one.
      Remy Medranda

    9. I am syndicating a Twitter search. The search filters out a single hashtag and I want to publish everything on my WP-blog that is written under this tag. But since WP tweets about all new posts, the hashtag is also retweeted. I would therefore like to:

      * Construct a filter that removes a certain hashtag from all items in a feed. Or why not remove all hashtags (better)?
      * if possible, exclude all feed items that contain the string “RT ” but not “?RT ”


    10. I just moved a blog from one hosting company to another. On the new server, the feeds will not update. When I click on the button up Update Feeds Now, I get a page that looks like this:

      Syndicated Sites Settings

      Update feeds now

      Check currently scheduled feeds for new and updated posts.

      * Updating Straight Guy Galleries from <> …

      And it stalls there. No error message, no update, no nothing.

      Any ideas?

    11. Hi, this seems like a great plugin, thank you! I’m having a few issues with implementing the different options though like the ‘add new boilerplate’ & ‘custom post settings’ & how to add thumbnails to each post. Is there a step by step, how to, hand hold version for a newbie somewhere that I could follow but can’t seem to find? A similar ? of mine is posted in the wp forum. Thanks again!

    12. I turned on dubug mode and now I can’t turn it off. When I click on the FeedWordPress icon I only have access to my feeds. I tried downloading a new verion of FeedWordPress and uploaded it but I still have the same problem.

    13. I want to display 10-12 content from a single feed on only 1 page. So, it doesn’t seem to me that I need, or want, to add anything to my theme pages. How would I do that?

      This is an area events calendar and I was also wondering if there is any way to filter the feed content to items that is happening on today’s date and for the next 5-7 days.


    14. Hi, your plugin is working well but there is one thing wrong. When i add the feed of to my site, it automatically puts a link to the site source in the Links widget on the right side of my site? How do i remove that? I’ve tried going in WP Dashboard and under Links. There is an option to make the Link Private and to remove/delete it all together. But if i do that. It inscribes me from the Feed. What should i do?

    15. How do I filter posts by feed source?
      I don’t want to use categories with feedwordpress (conflicts with actuals tags and categories on my site)

    16. I want to setup several feeds to post automatically but i want each feed to have a default image assigned to it. How do i do that?

    17. I’m sorry, I don’t speak english very well….
      When i select “permalink point to the copy on the original websites”, I can open the original post linked but the problem is that selecting this option, when i click on the comment icon it redirects me on the original post too….
      How can i do to allow users to comment my excerpt instead of visiting the original website?

      my site is

      than u so much

    18. I wouldn’t mind an answer to this myself.

      I’m also interested in how to limit the title characters for syndicated posts. Any help appreciated.

    19. Hi, it seems that some feeds have wrong post dates, and the plugin imported them as scheduled instead as published.

      Is there a way to overcome the “wrong” post date using the server time date?

      Any hint on how to edit the plugin to do this?


    20. Hello

      I encounter the same problem : dont want Custom Fields to be populated with syndication_permalink and others fields.

      I have to remove them manually…

      Did you manage to setup this great plugin in order not to create the fields ?

      thanks for your reply


    21. i love this plugin and use it in 2 websites
      i am using the plugin to show “news” in a specific category
      and want to make the title of each the_excerpt to be no follow
      just for the news from the feed..

      Got a way to do that ?

    22. I am using the (excellent) Feedwordpress plugin to provide a syndicated feed to my site.
      I could not get any of the plugins that provide a Facebook, Twitter, etc. share/like button to work with it.
      After a lot of googling I discovered that the problem was a conflict caused by the ‘feed_syndication_id’ tag.
      The solution – that worked for me anyway – was to go into the admin page, then “Syndication” (bottom left), then “feeds and updates”.
      Select “defaults for all feeds” from the dropdown list. Click on “Posts” to the right of that.
      Scroll down to Formatting/Formatting Filters and select “Expose syndicated posts to formatting filters”.
      Click on the “Save Changes” button at either top right or bottom left of the page.

    23. You can remove the contributors from showing in the sidebar by deleting the Link Category “contributors”. Go to the Links section in your WP dashboard and see Link Categories, and then delete contributor.

    24. Hi there, great plugin! It’s the first time I play with feeds 😉

      My question is: How can I setup the plugin to receive only post that have a particular category? I want to import only some postsmatching certain categories and ignore all others. I can’t find a way to do this… can someone help me please?

      thank you all!

    25. i just installed the plugin and tried to update the feed and it returned this error:

      Returning errors since 2 mins ago

      Most recent (2 mins ago):
      XML error: Mismatched tag at line 16, column 12

      any advice?


    26. Great Plugin!! Two Questions: The feed that I am syndicating uses the Featured Image option on their post and it is not displaying on my site, secondly, their post seems to lose formatting, specifically Line Breaks are removed.

      Thanks for your assistance!


    27. Hi Charles,
      Super plugin, you certainly saved me a bunch of time…thank you.

      I do have a question. It seems as though the feeds I am subscribed to are no longer being posted. I have checked with one of the sources ( and indeed the source pages are up to date (11/18) but I don’t seem to be getting the latest feeds.

      Obviously I am doing something incorrectly although all worked well until this morning. To see if I was doing something incorrectly I tried adding a new source ( this morning and increased the number of posts to show and that source was not collected either.

      FeedWordPress version 2011.1019.
      Add Attribution for FeedWordPress Version 2010.0207
      FeedWordPress Duplicate Post Filter Version 1.3

      Finn Connell

    28. HI There! This is a great plug-in thanks!

      Really stupid question I’m sure…. How do you change the name of the feed? I have feeds from the same site but with diff categories and need to note which is which – I looked everywhere….


      • Nevermind, it was stupid!! The feed info was collapsed and I didn’t see it. Of course after I posted this, I found it right away 😉

        Happy Holidays!

        PS, look for a little Holiday donation 🙂

    29. How do you i limit number of posts in feeds to two?
      I have installed the add on plugin – FWP+: Limit posts by date, but still its not working.
      Is there any other changes that should be done?

    30. I’m trying to figure out how to filter out posts with a certain tag – I’m using this to repost blog entries from one website (which is blocked on many computers from being an illustration portfolio that contains nudes) onto a SFW version of the site. I’d like for the reposts to skip any original post tagged #nsfw in case an image gets blogged that might set that other site off.

      I’ve never written hooks or anything, so I’m a bit confused on how to get started setting this up, since there didn’t seem to be a quick field for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    31. Hi, I would create a post that would collect 10 feeds.
      1 post better still that collects 10 feeds from a site ( and 10 by a feed ‘other (
      even better if I could format it with a tab
      You can do all this? or just what?
      Thanks for the help

    32. Hello, I’m using your plugin but I’m having issues with embedding video. Most RSS feeds pass an enclosure tag with the video link but it also contains other information in the same field such as ‘application/x-shockwave-flash’ which then makes it impossible to pull that information into an object/embed tag for displaying the video. Is there away of filtering out the application/x-shockwave-flash text so I can use the video url, or am I missing the point of auto embedding video links from a rss feed in a wordpress post?

    33. Hi,

      This plugin is work fine with the website that I am getting feeds except for 1 website. I am not getting any feeds to grab from that site. What could be the possible reason?


    34. HI there, great plugin! Any idea how I may translate some of the items for example:

      posted on xxx by xxx?


    35. How to I make FeedWordpress change automatically the title of the original posts to a single title, so that all my post urls will look like /”title”-1, /”title”-2, /”title”-3, etc ?

    36. How can I avoid feedwordpress reading the string “%7C” as “|” in a rss link? It makes a lot of feed unuseful for my blogs, thanks.

      Real feed url: ……=1&url=on&ttl=on&dlm=%7C&fr=1 (good)
      URL used by FWP: ……=1&url=on&ttl=on&dlm=|&fr=1 (bad)

    37. Hi,

      thanks for this plugin. I have a question and need an answer asap.

      I pull the rss from other website, and this rss has a title, an image and the excerpt. As i updated the rss link, everything is okey. It pulls the title, the image and the excerpt. But the image is on the other host. I mean the image shows up in my post but the source is in other host, where i pull the rss. is there a way to pull the images to my host (so that after the post created, it will be as if i uploaded an image to my post, so that at my homepage i cn also get this image as a thumbnail) If i can not pull the image to my host, my template does not create any thumbnail because the image is on the other host.

      Is that possible to add a menu to the feed menu, that we can put a thick in the box, which says “do you want to pull / host the images in your host? yes=? no=? ” or something like this?


    38. Hi,

      I have a problem with the template of the default posts feed:

      It automatically uses this image; ( as ‘Add a comment’.

      My website background is not white and it looks odd having this small image with a white background.

      How do I change it so that every automatically generated post has a image file with say a blank background (png image).

      Sorry if I am not using the right terms, I think you can gather what I am asking hopefully! Thanks.

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