Kubrick for FeedWordPress is a ready-to-use theme designed for FeedWordPress, based on the famous Kubrick theme — the default theme for WordPress.
Kubrick for FeedWordPress provides a look and feel derived directly from Kubrick (under the terms of Kubrick’s open source GPL license), with attribution information provided for each syndicated post. (If a post is not syndicated, it appears exactly as it would under the original Kubrick theme. If it is syndicated, the theme includes a boilerplate notice reading:
This post is a reprint of a post by post author that originally appeared at original source feed.
The block of post meta-data displayed at the bottom of single post pages (This entry was posted on…
etc.) will also be altered to display attribution information for syndicated posts.
Download: http://projects.radgeek.com/download/kubrick-feedwordpress.tar.gz
To install: Just download the installation package, extract the contents, and drop the new kubrick-feedwordpress
directory into your WordPress themes directory.