Monthly Archives: August 2020
radgeek merged a pull request in radgeek/feedwordpress
Remove the whitepace around the period name returned from magpie.
You can see the difference in the warning messages when the index has newlines:
Error Level: E_NOTICE
Message: Undefined index: hourly
compared to…
radgeek pushed to master in radgeek/feedwordpress
radgeek merged a pull request in radgeek/feedwordpress
radgeek merged a pull request in radgeek/feedwordpress
Removing an incorrect default for an `update_setting()` call
it seems it mistakenly took the form of the apply_filters
call a little above the line in question
1 comment
radgeek pushed to master in radgeek/feedwordpress
radgeek pushed to master in radgeek/feedwordpress
radgeek merged a pull request in radgeek/feedwordpress
Stop a warning when the settings do not exist - this is usually when …
…the feed has just been created and not yet saved and you click on the posts tab.
radgeek commented on issue radgeek/feedwordpress#121
commented on
Aug 18, 2020