FeedWordPress Development Version — Revision 344272: Better handle some edge cases when attempts to insert the link cat run …

I recently committed the following change to the Development Version of FeedWordPress:

Better handle some edge cases when attempts to insert the link cat run into errors.

This change will be part of the next public release of FeedWordPress. Interested? Curious? You can check out the details at the WordPress plugin repository ...

Posted in Log

FeedWordPress Development Version — Revision 321173: Only users who are entitled to get the Syndication menu should see FWP pop …

I recently committed the following change to the Development Version of FeedWordPress:

Only users who are entitled to get the Syndication menu should see FWP pop up in the Dashboard.

This change will be part of the next public release of FeedWordPress. Interested? Curious? You can check out the details at the WordPress plugin repository ...

Posted in Log

FeedWordPress 2010.0905: bug fixed; Categories and Tags now correctly assigned

**Note.** *As with the previous release, before you download or install, please note that this version of FeedWordPress **requires WordPress 3** or higher to operate correctly. Do not install the upgrade unless or until you have made the upgrade to WP3.*

2010.0905 is now available for download.(http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/feedwordpress.2010.0905.zip)

I’ve pushed out this release quickly because it contains fixes to an important issue that y’all helped me discover in early user reports back about 2010.0903(http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/blogs/radgeek/2010/09/03/feedwordpress-20100903-bug-fixes-interface-improvements-lower-memory-load-b). As I mentioned in the release notes, the new release of FeedWordPress has some extensive internal changes to allow for a great deal more flexibility in how it handles Categories and Tags (up to and including support for custom taxonomies provided by plugins). Unfortunately, the changes introduced a bug, due to the fact that the new method used to insert Categories and Tags in WordPress 3 screens the terms to be inserted by the current logged-in user’s capabilities. Which is fine for normal operations within the WordPress administrative interface; but since automatic updates and updates from FeedWordPress cron jobs are typically carried out *without* any user logged in whose credentials could be checked, this meant that several users noticed posts being inserted with only the category Uncategorized, and with no Tags. Which presents a problem.

Fortunately, the problem has been fixed in today’s quick upgrade:

Version 2010.0903 switched over to a new way of assigning categories and
tags as part of its support for handling custom taxonomies.
Unfortunately, the method that it uses is subjected to some checks of
the current user’s capabilities, which creates problems for posts that
are being inserted into the WordPress database when there *is* no
current user logged in (as, for example, when an update is being carried
out from a cron job or automatic update). The result was that posts
from cron jobs and automatic updates ended up with no Categories and no
Tags being assigned. This bug has now been fixed: in 2010.0905, Tags and
Categories should be correctly assigned to all posts, regardless of
whether they were added from manual updates, cron jobs, or automatic

All you need to do to apply the fix is download the newest release and drop it into place in your WordPress plugins directory. As always, if you have any issues with the release, or any questions I can help answer, or if there is anything that you would like to see included in a future release, please use the comments form or me a line(http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/contact) to let me know about it. If you have an issue to report, please be sure to tell me what version of FeedWordPress you’re using, what version of WordPress you’re using it with, which web browser you are using to view the FeedWordPress user interface, and try to tell me, as clearly as possible, (1) what you were trying to do, (2) what the circumstances were, (3) what you expected to see, and (4) what you ended up seeing instead.

and enjoy!(http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/feedwordpress.2010.0905.zip).