FeedWordPress Development Version — Revision 403264: Maybe there is a better way to do this, but for now it is (1) a …

I recently committed the following change to the Development Version of FeedWordPress:

Maybe there is a better way to do this, but for now it is (1) a performance killer and (2) unnecessary. File for future review.

This change will be part of the next public release of FeedWordPress. Interested? Curious? You can check out the details at the WordPress plugin repository ...

Posted in Log

FeedWordPress Development Version — Revision 403264: Maybe there is a better way to do this, but for now it is (1) a …

I recently committed the following change to the Development Version of FeedWordPress:

Maybe there is a better way to do this, but for now it is (1) a performance killer and (2) unnecessary. File for future review.

This change will be part of the next public release of FeedWordPress. Interested? Curious? You can check out the details at the WordPress plugin repository ...

Posted in Log

FeedWordPress Development Version — Revision 403255: Bugfix: force WordPress not to frak up my queries with its sticky post …

I recently committed the following change to the Development Version of FeedWordPress:

Bugfix: force WordPress not to frak up my queries with its sticky post hoodoo.

This change will be part of the next public release of FeedWordPress. Interested? Curious? You can check out the details at the WordPress plugin repository ...

Posted in Log

FeedWordPress Development Version — Revision 403255: Bugfix: force WordPress not to frak up my queries with its sticky post …

I recently committed the following change to the Development Version of FeedWordPress:

Bugfix: force WordPress not to frak up my queries with its sticky post hoodoo.

This change will be part of the next public release of FeedWordPress. Interested? Curious? You can check out the details at the WordPress plugin repository ...

Posted in Log

FeedWordPress Development Version — Revision 403249: Allow special parameter — automatic_update — to force testing of …

I recently committed the following change to the Development Version of FeedWordPress:

Allow special parameter -- automatic_update -- to force testing of auto-update procedure in init or shutdown.

This change will be part of the next public release of FeedWordPress. Interested? Curious? You can check out the details at the WordPress plugin repository ...

Posted in Log

FeedWordPress Development Version — Revision 403249: Allow special parameter — automatic_update — to force testing of …

I recently committed the following change to the Development Version of FeedWordPress:

Allow special parameter -- automatic_update -- to force testing of auto-update procedure in init or shutdown.

This change will be part of the next public release of FeedWordPress. Interested? Curious? You can check out the details at the WordPress plugin repository ...

Posted in Log

FeedWordPress 2011.0602: More compatibility fixes, fewer duplicated posts

2011.0602 is now available for download.(http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/feedwordpress.2011.0602.zip). This is a follow-up to release(http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/blogs/radgeek/2011/05/31/feedwordpress-20110531-wordpress-313-compatibility-issue-producing-duplicat); it fixes a couple of bugs, and covers a couple of important new edge cases, related to the identification of previously syndicated posts. If you continued to get duplicate posts even after upgrading to 2011.0531, or if you were seeing posts oddly reassigned or copied with a different post status (for example, posts unexpectedly being restored from the trash can, or unexpectedly reappearing as Drafts), then this release may help get rid of these problems.

Here are the major changes since Version 2011.0531:

* **WP 3.1.3 COMPAT / BUGFIX: WHITESPACE IN GUIDS NO LONGER PRODUCES DUPLICATE POSTS.** The work-around for handling filtered URIs in guid elements has now been extended to handle URIs that were filtered because of leading or trailing whitespace, in addition to URIs that were filtered because of unapproved schemes.

* **WP 3.1.3 COMPAT / BUGFIX: RELATIVE URLS IN GUIDS NO LONGER PRODUCE DUPLICATE POSTS.** The work-around for handling filtered URIs in guid elements has now been extended to handle URIs that were altered without being filtered out entirely (most commonly because a scheme was added to a relative URL).

* **BUGFIX: UPDATES TO POST NO LONGER CAUSE DUPLICATE DRAFT VERSION TO APPEAR.** Under certain conditions in 2011.0531, an update to an existing post would not be properly applied to the post itself, but rather would appear as a duplicate post with Draft status. This bug has been eliminated, and updates will now be properly inserted as revisions to the existing post.

*If,* after making this upgrade, you continue to experience serious compatibility problems with WP 3.1.3, especially including duplicate posts, please me(http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/contact) with as detailed as possible a description of what you’re seeing. It will help out a lot if you can include the following diagnostic information:

1. The specific URL(s) of the feed or feeds where you are encountering the problem;

2. An indication of whether you are seeing the problem on all your feeds, or seeing it on some feeds but not on others; and whether you are seeing it on all posts from the affected feeds, or just seeing it on some posts but not on others;

3. The update method that you are using (automatic updates before page load, after page load, manual updates from within the WordPress interface, a cron job…); and

4. Any FeedWordPress-related add-ons you may be using, if any, or any significant special settings you may have set under Syndication –> Posts & Links (for example, whether you have set syndicated posts to come in as Drafts or hold them as Pending, rather than publishing immediately; whether you are making any use of Custom Post Types under the Advanced settings; etc.).

*If* everything looks alright on your end — and I think that this changes should fix most of the issues that have thus far been reported to me — then great. As usual, any other issues you may have with the release, or any other questions I can help answer, or anything that you would like to see included in a future release, are all good reasons to me a line(http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/contact) and let me know how I can help you. And as always, your ongoing gifts from the FWP user community to project tip jar(http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/donate), besides being generous and immensely kind and an ongoing source of real and sustaining gratitude for me as a developer, are also what make ongoing development, timely fixes, and support for FeedWordPress possible.

Now y’all get out of here and the new release(http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/feedwordpress.2011.0602.zip).